The way to safety
Quality and safety represents the i跳門mage of the enterpr子現ise and is the life of the ente歌個rprise. After 6 years of resea對拍rch and development and clinical veri書愛fication, Jishuo ens多小ures the quality and 討數safety of the pr化這oducts from the aspects of animal phys書器iology, appearance, size, processin著了g materials, production tec和電hnology, testing and certification, a舞南nd so on.
  • Physiological characte跳事ristic containment
    Rumen is the storage, grinding and科拿 fermentation environment for rumina現些nts to eat feed,看土 and the implantati兵船on of products has no adverse ef刀海fect on the health of ruminan年現ts.
  • The appearance is sleek.
    Smooth appearance design, so that th黑校e delivery of rum雨冷en capsules and long-term rumen retenti又民on will not cause秒答 harm to ruminants.
  • The size is reasonable
    The rumen volume of cattle is農線 about 60-80L, and 喝厭the cow stomach capsule 謝工is 0.025L, accounting for慢費 0.04% of the rumen自男 of cattle, which is very small.
  • Medical shell material
    Rumen capsule she可離ll is a medical material, non-tox資去ic and harmless, acid-re光就sistant, impact-resi筆用stant, weather-resi見著stant, polycarb暗水onate material.
  • Production and processin微能g technology
    The whole structure desig見廠n of rumen capsule adopts sealing 了聽waterproof, anti-vibratio廠可n, anti-acid, anti-corrosion, 山日anti-impact technology水北 to ensure the safety of lon志兒g-term use.
  • Quality inspectio吃商n and certificat了河ion
    Rumen capsule has passed dozens of學機 quality testing an媽請d certification, such as radia遠煙tion disturbance站劇, national food safety standard, R呢線oHS, REACH, battery U市秒N38.3 and so on.
The way of green
Jishuo with outstanding quality a話子nd the times, research and develop問媽ment of green energy-saving technol市樂ogy, the concep老師t of environment有木al protection into th玩熱e product design兵購, for you to create 學但a low-carbon life.
  • High efficiency and energ鐘草y saving
    Rumen capsule uses low-power Lo鐘亮Ra transmission technology for bio內湖logical informat要但ion transmission, which greatly saves 愛來energy loss, high eff拿議iciency and energy saving.話裡
  • Green without pollution
    Rumen capsule adopts fully sealed desig不暗n, built-in lithium battery will not c拍多ause harm to animals or the林慢 environment, gre司短en and pollution-free.
  • Get rid of waste
    One rumen capsule can meet村愛 the life cycle冷了 information monitoring 區又of ruminants and avoid w你照aste to a great extent.
The way of intelligence
Jishuo firmly believes that scie制請nce and technology drive the futur短樹e, constantly optimize the core compone吃家nts of rumen caps友草ules, master the core technology, and l學綠ead the forward了友-looking development of ani黑飛mal husbandry in Jiangsu and 議票China with intelli吧他gent science and technology.東劇
  • Intelligent acquisition
    The Internet of things t年暗echnology is used to agent manual da那機ta collection, the data is d愛信iverse and error-free, and it is conv妹我enient for recording and storage.
  • Intelligent management
    Animal husbandry integrated he來現alth management platform aims at the站工 breeding process, help裡舊s pastures to carry out digital議答 and accurate prediction management, co靜動nvenient and ef錢站ficient.
  • Intelligent analysis
    The integrated management platfo那爸rm of animal husbandry 知術intelligently a友司nalyzes the process of pasture manag跳樹ement and uses quant們木itative indicators to im遠間prove the efficiency of pasture ma動音nagement.